Igor Klibanov
3 min readMay 19, 2022

Fasted Cardio: Does it Speed Up Fat Burning?

Have you heard that doing cardio before breakfast can actually speed up fat burning? The theory makes sense. If you work out when you don’t have much sugar in your body (like after 8 hours of sleep), your body will naturally turn to fat.

But does it actually work? Let’s examine that.

What Happens in Your Body When You do Fasted Cardio?

Your body basically has 2 main fuel sources that it uses just to stay alive: sugar (AKA glucose) and fat. How much of each you’re burning depends on a number of things…

Igor Klibanov

Igor Klibanov is the author 7 books on exercise and nutrition, including 2 bestsellers. Read more of his articles at http://www.FitnessSolutionsPlus.ca/blog