Electrolyte Drinks For Diabetes: The 9 Most Common Drinks

Igor Klibanov
12 min readJan 16, 2023

By: Emily Ing and Igor Klibanov

So, you’ve heard about these things called electrolyte drinks and how they can almost work miracles for diabetics. Now you want to learn more about them and if they can really help you out.

You’ve heard about all the undesirable side effects that can come from electrolyte imbalances, like:

  • Irregular heartbeat… as if you need any more worries about your heart
  • Weakness… when you might have low energy levels to begin with



Igor Klibanov

Igor Klibanov is the author 7 books on exercise and nutrition, including 2 bestsellers. Read more of his articles at http://www.FitnessSolutionsPlus.ca/blog