3 Underrated Superfoods

Igor Klibanov
4 min readAug 5, 2023

I want to hire a publicist. Why? Because certain foods are complete nutritional powerhouses, but they don’t get much press because they’re kind of ordinary. They’re not exotic or fancy. But boy, do they have powerful effects on your health and body composition.

Unlike the “latest and greatest”, like Acai berries, Goji berries and Noni berries, these superfoods aren’t mysterious. They don’t have a lot of legends around them. There’s no press. No one will make the claim that the superfoods below ripen only once every 37 years, in a remote area of the world, and need to be picked by leprechauns at just the right moment. But make no mistake about it. They are just as nutritious if not more so compared to the mysterious. Except unlike the mysterious, these are tried, tested and true.

Without further ado, here are the 3 underrated superfoods we recommend most frequently to our weight loss clients.


Here’s the coolest part: after eating these, you’ll be known as “the sniper.” For obvious reasons. Think about it for a sec. Now laugh. OK, sorry, bad joke.

But really, I recommend beans and lentils to my clients with high frequency for a few reasons:

  1. They are a fibre powerhouse. An adult needs about 25–38 grams of fibre per day. Simple red kidney beans have about 16 grams per cup. What is fibre good for? For one thing, how about weight loss? For another thing, it keeps you regular. Additionally, fibre helps with…



Igor Klibanov

Igor Klibanov is the author 7 books on exercise and nutrition, including 2 bestsellers. Read more of his articles at http://www.FitnessSolutionsPlus.ca/blog